Shungite and elite shungite are valued by many natural therapists and energy practitioners as powerful healing stones. Due to their ability to have a positive effect on our energy body, shungite and elite shungite are versatile and effective.

In everyday life, it is important to maintain our aura as we are exposed to a lot of stress. Elite shungite or ordinary shungite are very practical and effective as anti-stress stones that can be put in a pocket or as shungite pendants.

Highly sensitive people are able to see the aura of other people. The aura associated with chakra activity reflects the individual state of consciousness. Thus, the colors of the aura give us information about the quality of consciousness, emotions, thoughts, abilities and vital energies of a person.

To show the colors of the aura with and without shungite, we conducted a test using an aura camera. Photos of shungite aura were kindly taken and analyzed by Mrs Kaumanns.


General information about aura photography

Aura photography is a form of bioresonance measurement and a wonderful way to make our light body, the aura, visible to everyone. That is why we have chosen this method for our test with shungite and elite shungite.


Why is it helpful to know the color of your aura?

The human aura is an energy field that surrounds our body. It can "glow" in a variety of colors, consists of electromagnetic forces and is influenced by our emotional and spiritual sensations. The colors of our aura are listed below. They give us information about the quality of consciousness, emotions, thoughts, abilities and vital energy of a person. What is really going on in and around my body? What are my weaknesses? How much energy do I have? What are my strengths? How healthy am I? Will shungite or elite shungite suit me?

Aura of different living creatures is different in structure, color and shape. This is a reflection of our consciousness. Our aura looks the way we think, feel, and act.


How do aura colors change?

The shape and color composition of the aura rarely changes very much in a short period. An exception takes place when a person was engaged in energy practices, for example, practising Reiki, visiting healers, or touching healing stones such as elite or classical shungite. It is always amazing to see how the aura of the picture changes its colors and shape after energy practices as if a person is recharged with energy. Aura picture becomes more harmonious, clear and vivid.


How does aura photography work?

The electrical potentials of specific resonance points and areas or chakra and acupuncture points in the hand are scanned using two hand-held sensors. The measured parameters are in resonance with the entire body and the electromagnetic field and thus, provide information about the energetic qualities of a person. The measured values mean different vibration levels and therefore different colors. This information is transmitted to the camera during a technical process and becomes visible in the instantaneous image as a colored radiant aura field around the body using a double exposure process. The photographs taken by the camera are portraits, but they represent the whole aura. The color, shape and size of the aura reflect the interaction of body, mind and soul. As a symbolic language for states of mind or emotions, colors can give us insight into certain properties and behaviors. Thus, disharmony can be recognized and eliminated before it manifests itself physically.


Shungite and Aura - Mrs Kaumanns Test Report

The first photo (without shungite and elite shungite).  There is no shungite or elite shungite on the persons and in their immediate vicinity.


On the image without shungite, you can see a person who wants to heal their past. This is primarily about forgiveness and the desire to understand in order to draw the right conclusions (lower light green area). Above right, I recognize their guardian angel who sends them unconditional love because he thinks that the person needs it (light purple-pink). The darker triangle in the upper right corner shows me that the person is not very good at putting other people's expectations aside. The person does not know how to say "no", which makes their soul sad. The latter is displayed in the middle in dark blue. I recommend this person to say no if in doubt whether to say yes or no to something. As a result, they will be more respected by other people in the future and will treat themselves with more love. The yellow color means that the person is a perfectionist and does not implement their ideas while preferring to plan everything carefully for a long time. My recommendation is to embody good ideas with pleasure and joy, as action brings strength. The center of the picture is dark blue. This means that this person does critical thinking and is mostly problem-oriented instead of being solution-oriented. The person is too self-critical. I recommend them to recognize their strengths. They must write down at least 60 qualities. Weaknesses are less important than that.

The second image (with shungite and elite shungite).  The person carries a shungite amulet in their pocket.


The result is amazing! There is no more problem-oriented thinking, the dark blue is dissolved and the overall picture is very harmonious. The right and left sides are symmetrical and mostly in pastel colors. A good love-based connection with the spirit world has developed. Light pastel colors mean high sensitivity and warmth. The soul has a purple color and is open to love (bottom center). Perfectionism is under control and ocher is no longer visible. The person perceives their past with confidence and understanding. Communication also became more affectionate with fewer critical comments. The pink-purple stripe in the bow at the top of the image shows the entire spiritual loving world of the person. The vibrant colors at the top of the image show that divine guidance has come to play an important role in the life of this person. What a good connection! It is impossible not to notice the effect of shungite.



The aura test gives evidence that shungite instantly affects the aura. This is clearly seen in the changed colors and the general structure of the image. It obviously shows that shungite helps to get rid of one's weaknesses and to deal with oneself more harmoniously. It is a rare case when a person experiences such a clear change in such a short time. Thus, we see a successful test with a wonderful stone.


The Meaning of colors

The colors show which chakras a person is working with. It shall be noted that this work is mostly unconscious. Colors are closely related to the meaning of the chakras.



It is the color of the root chakra, vitality and energy.

If the aura is bright red, this means that the following qualities prevail in this person:

Strength, activity, stability, courage, fighting spirit, extraversion, physical health, groundedness, passion, eroticism, immediacy, temperament, etc.

If the aura is dark red, the following character traits are possible: anger, despotism, frustration, violence, hatred, rebellion, stress, tyranny, excessive activity, impatience, confusion, anger, destruction, dissatisfaction.



The second chakra is the sacral chakra. It is orange and stands for coordination and organization.

Light Orange:

Joy, a sense of happiness, intellectual ease, communication, cheerfulness, optimism, organizational talent, self-confidence, self-motivation, well-being, cooperation, humour, artistic skills, imagination.

Dark Orange:

Superficiality, unresolved emotional problems, intellectual immobility, ignorance, competitive thinking, lack of vitality, insecurity, dissatisfaction, communication difficulties, lack of self-love.



The third chakra is the solar plexus chakra. Its color is yellow, and it personifies charisma and intelligence.

Light Yellow:

Discipline, honesty, intellectual serenity, intelligence, learning ability, logic, lightness, lust for life, strength of personality, anxiety for knowledge, determination, clarity in thinking.

Dark Yellow:

Chaos, lack of assertiveness, selfishness, lies, confusion, lust for power, ignorance, intellectual overload, intolerance, desire to control, abuse of power, scepticism, stubbornness, lack of clarity, perfectionism.



The fourth chakra is the heart chakra. It represents balance, center, and change.

Light Green:

Balance, life affirmation, healing, harmonizing energy, warmth, willingness to help, empathy, closeness to nature, naturalness, growth, peace, compassion, self-acceptance.

Dark Green:

Antipathy, disharmony, selfishness, hard-heartedness, self-doubt, materialism, insecurity, stubbornness.



The fifth chakra is the throat chakra. It symbolizes justice and feelings.

Light Blue:

Loyalty, honesty, patience, perception of God, dedication, politeness, cosmic sense of justice, calmness, sensitivity, security, silence, forgiveness, trust, truth, centering, calmness, peace, mind-intuition connection, basic trust.

Dark Blue:

Depression, disinterest, distance, cold feelings, lying, isolation, critical consideration of oneself and the surrounding, distrust, restraint, self-pity, sadness, dissatisfaction, injustice, withdrawal, self-doubt, thoughtfulness, fatigue.



The sixth chakra is the forehead chakra, which is associated with intuition.

Light Indigo:

Aura vision, balance, unity, spiritual healing, spiritual silence, divine vision, clairvoyance, inspiration, intuitive action, deep inner feelings, sensitivity, meditative awareness, inner knowledge.

Dark Indigo:

Lack of emotional differentiation, exhaustion, arrogance, inner turmoil, religious abuse, false pride, totalitarian approach to life, fragmentation, resistance.



The seventh chakra is the purple crown chakra.

Light Purple:

Conscious use of light energy, dedication, idealism, meditative lifestyle, spirituality, transformation, supernatural abilities, very good intuition, basic trust, charisma, innovation.

Dark Purple:

Obsession, punishment, exhaustion, powerlessness, satanism, black magic, unconscious use of energy, injustice, hypersensitivity, narcissism, lack of self-affirmation, escapism.


Colors that represent mental and, therefore, physical health in aura images show the energy of a person's thoughts and feelings. The interpretation of colors may vary slightly but essentially remains the same. Summing up what has been said, the colors show a meaningful picture of a person's condition.