Is the bigger stone better?

If shungite is used as a pyramid or a sphere to protect against radiation, it is important to stay within the radius of action. It is not necessary to purchase a product that is much larger in size if you can be in a smaller radius of its action. For example, in the bedroom, it is enough to harmonize only the sleeping area with shungite, and not the whole room.

If you have a protective stone, it doesn't have to be particularly large and heavy. A medium-size stone is usually quite appropriate and more practical than a large stone. For elite and classical shungite, stones weighing from 15 to 30 g are enough.


Does shungite help with 5G?

Shungite has a harmonizing effect, which is advantageously used to protect against radiation. The radiation is not shielded, but all devices continue to operate without restriction. This property is used for protection from natural radiation from water-bearing fractures, as well from cell phone and WLAN radiation. Although there are currently practically no test results carried out specifically for 5G technology, shungite harmonization is also expected to work for such radiation exposure.


Is elite shungite suitable for protection from radiation?

Elite shungite is practical and effective as a protective stone that you can take with you.

Elite shungite is not particularly suitable for protection against radiation. The mineral is too fragile to be turned into a pyramid or a sphere. If you use elite shungite as a raw stone, the radius of its action is usually small and can only be determined individually for each stone. For this purpose, it is better to use protective products made of classical (ordinary) shungite, since it is possible to calculate a certain radius of action for the product of a certain size. For example, a shungite pyramid with an edge length of 5 cm has a radius of action of 2-3 m.


Can raw stones be used to protect against radiation?

With a raw stone, be it elite or classical shungite, the range of action varies greatly since the shape of the stone is naturally different. To use an untreated stone for radiation protection, it must be individually checked for its range and located correctly. This is quite a time consuming and can only be done by experienced empathetic people. It can be assumed that a pyramid or a sphere of a certain size has a corresponding radius. For example, it is expected that a shungite sphere 5 cm in diameter has a range of 2-3 m.


Does the pyramid need to be aligned?

If the pyramid is not aligned, it will still work. The pyramid located in accordance with the environment and cardinal points has an optimal range and effect. However, this is not necessary.


Can shungite exert too much protective power?

Shungite has a harmonizing effect that is almost always considered beneficial. Very rarely, people experience the discomfort associated with an excess of energy.

If this happens, it is recommended to reduce the use of the stone. For example, you can wear a pendant for a limited time. Protective items such as a pyramid or a sphere can also be placed slightly further from your body.


Does shungite work through the walls?

Walls may be very different, for example, made of concrete, glass or plasterboard. Tests have shown that walls partially or completely reduce the effect of the stone.

Most reasonably it should be assumed that the walls do not allow any effect. Therefore, it is recommended to use smaller protective items in individual rooms, rather than one large object for the whole house. It is cheaper and more efficient.  


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