Seven good reasons for using shungite

Seven good reasons for using shungite

1- Positive oscillations that carry a stone.

For several centuries shungite is credited with a positive effect. Shungite, also called aspid, is used mainly for spiritual problems, as well as for complaints about physical condition. At the heart of his action is a special oscillation, which comes from the stone. The possibilities to use the energy of shungite are very diverse, from talismans and ornaments from shungite to water purified by shungite.

Use positive vibrations of the stone, replenishment of forces are very important in our daily life.


2- Shungite purified water is living water.

Living water has a beneficial effect on us. Shungite transfers its vital energy to water, thereby exerting a positive influence on the molecular structure of water. Water purified by shungite has a higher energy index than tap water or filtered water.


3- More protection from radiation, better quality of life.

Due to the rapid development of modern technologies, we are exposed to high radioactive loads both in everyday and in professional life. Few people are willing to abandon modern technology. Most of us use mobile phones and roam the Internet with pleasure. Shungite is credited with the ability to provide effective protection against negative radiation. Shungite protection does not limit the operation of devices; they can be used as usual and on. When using shungite, the negative energy of the rays is converted from the left-handed to the dextrorotatory.


4- Balance in life with shungite.

Due to the balance of internal forces, you get more lightness and become stronger and more efficient. Shungite like Yin (moon) and, for example, talc-chloride like Yan (sun) together has the ability to effectively balance the imbalance. Whether it's a plate, a cylinder or lenses, these stones are useful tools for achieving a balance of Yin-Yang energy. The better the balance of internal forces is the less stress and more time for life is.


5- Shungite turns my condition into an oasis of well-being.

Shungite provides a special opportunity for effective harmonization of negative rays in the room. Shungite ball, pyramid and even raw shungite (unprocessed shungite) form around them a positive field, the left-handed energy is transformed into this field into a dextrorotatory one. Levorotatory energy easily leads us out of balance, because they move upwards. Dextrorotatory energies, vital energies, are directed downward, which protect us and give us strength. Whether it's a shungite pyramid on the desktop or a shungite ball on the night table in the bedroom: in the rooms the harmony in which is amplified by shungite, a person feels better, more balanced and stronger. Turn your home with shungite into an area free from interference.

Shungite is also an effective tool in Feng Shui.

We are mostly in enclosed spaces, unfortunately, the flow of energy does not always flow in them optimally. Sometimes the balance of the two basic energies of Yin and Yang is disturbed, which affects our state of health. With the help of Feng Shui, control the flow of Qi energy in your apartment. You prevent undesirable effects and harmonize the energy of Yin and Yang. As a result of the systematic and intuitive application of the rules of Feng Shui, you will create harmonious, healthy and full of life living spaces. With the help of positive shungite energy, your Feng Shui procedures will lead to success, the energy forces of shungite products will increase their effectiveness.

Shungite is effectively used for the following areas of Bagua:

Wealth - It is better to use a cube or a bowl of shungite. If you use a cube for Bagua's wealth, it is recommended to point it to the sides of the world. This will enhance the action of the cube. When using the bowl, be aware that it should not be empty. Personal valuables, a pair of coins or stones of elite shungite will make the cup an effective symbol of wealth.

Tai Ji (center) - symbolizes health and poise. A large pyramid or a shungite ball strengthens the center. It is important not to use too many objects in the center; it can block the flow of Ji. Less is better in this case.

Always ready to help friends - for this Bagua is best suited raw, completely natural raw stones. Using stones of elite or classic shungite, you can set up the Bagua area "Always ready to help friends". To do this, put a stone, for example, on a table, or if it is a large stone - on a stand on the floor;

For other areas of Bagua, shungite is unlikely to fit, first of all, in the zone of glory it is hardly to be expected from shungite of positive action.

If you know how to bring your home into a state of harmony and comfort, shungite will give you great help in this matter.


6- Animals and plants, as well as humans, benefit from the shungite positive effect.

It is interesting to observe on animals and plants how they perceive shungite. These are very sensitive creatures that react very sensitively to energy changes. If you recall the special abilities of cats or houseplants, which with due attention grow faster and healthier. Shungite watches in the house and in the garden for a harmonious and positive energy state, this has a beneficial effect on our pets and plants. Due to shungite we do well to our pets.


7 – No side effect

The positive effect of shungite has been used in Karelia since ancient times in folk healing and at home. The first mention dates back to the sixteenth century. Since that time, users have gained a lot of experience in using shungite. Both before and now are not known any side effects when using shungite. The stone does not contain harmful elements in dangerous concentrations; shungite does not make us dependent.

To be sure that the properties and chemical composition of shungite correspond to the current directives, we regularly monitor the main parameters in an independent laboratory. The results of the research can be viewed on our website in the section "Studies and Certificates". Shungite is a mineral that does not absorb negative information, so it is not necessary to buy each time a new stone: a special property of shungite that saves the contents of your purse.