Shungite and 5G

Shungite and 5G

Since the beginning of 2019, we have been receiving more and more calls and emails regarding the effects of shungite and 5G. This is a topic of concern to many people. The questions we receive have nothing to do with whether 5G transmitting systems and receiving devices are dangerous, just that users want to know if shungite has its protective effect even on 5G waves.

Most people are on the lookout for effective protection. Shungite is known to be effective protection against harmful radiation.

Knowledge about the action and application of shungite is based on many years of user experience. However, 5G technology is relatively new and so there is currently a paucity of reliable information on how the protective properties of shungite can be exploited with this new technology.

Therefore, on this page I would like to give everyone the opportunity to share information and experiences on the effects of shungite and 5G.

Sven Shtrecker

As of July 2019