How many levels of shungite quality are there?

How many levels of shungite quality are there?

From an early age, we are used to the fact that many things in our lives have a certain structure.  We go to school in a certain grade, and our performance is graded.  We also later develop many different groups, areas, and gradations that are necessary in our lives to maintain a certain order and overview.

The shungite mineral has become known around the world recently. The shungite stone trade only began to develop in the late nineties.  Its strong properties attracted many people, and with the help of the Internet, the shungite trade quickly expanded.  There were and still are many attempts to categorize the mineral into certain groups.  One trader believes he can identify three groups of shungite, another believes there are more than six.  Each of them may be right, but these classifications are not particularly practical. Many dealers assign grades based on completely different criteria. This makes everything even less clear.

There are, of course, different stones in the shungite quarry. Some are a little harder, others a little softer.  There are also shungite stones that contain a little more quartzite or pyrite. There are also schungite stones that contain a bit more quartzite or pyrite.  To divide all of these stones into groups is quite difficult and makes no sense.  A stone with a little more pyrite is not necessarily better or worse than a stone with more quartz.  But if you divide these stones into groups, they will be rated higher or lower at the same time.

A few years ago we decided to go a different way:

There are two types of shungite.

Category 1: Elite shungite

Category 2: Classical (normal) shungite

Classical shungite is mined in several mines.  Even though these mines are close to each other, there are slight differences.  From the nineties to the present day, we get almost all of our stones from the Zazhoginsky mine.  Stones from other mines have a slightly different composition.  Of course, we add this to the product description, for example, if it comes from the Maksovsky mine.  Stones from the Maksovsky mine have a larger proportion of quartzite and look somewhat lighter, but they are not inferior and meet all the quality characteristics of a high-quality shungite stone.

It does not matter how you classify shungite stone and in what categories you present it to its users, the main thing is that the stone shall be authentic. Only a genuine shungite stone contains strong life energy and can transfer it to those around it.