How should my Schungite protection stone be – brushed or polished?

How should my Schungite protection stone be – brushed or polished?

Your protection stone should protect you and be right for you.  But how do you choose the right one?  There are many differences in shape and size as well as polished and brushed surfaces.  All of these differences can make it difficult to choose, especially if you have no experience with stone.

When it comes to the shape and size of the protection object, there are several things to consider.  However, when it comes to the protection stone surface, things are much easier when it comes to radiation protection only.

A matte or polished stone surface doesn’t play a role in the protective effect.

When harmonizing radiation through a pyramid, sphere or cube, it does not matter whether the surface is polished or matte.  The choice is purely a matter of taste.

There are only slight differences in handling and use for other purposes.

Polished surfaces hardly ever get dirty; this is practical if you have to touch the protected object often.  For example, if you want to carry a pyramid or sphere with you on the travel, the polished surface is an advantage.

However, polished shungite stones are not suitable for water purification, as polishing residue can get into the water.

Unpolished surfaces that are are highly discoloured. However, if you wash the surfaces frequently with water, it is greatly reduced.

Unpolished protection objects, such as pyramids or spheres, can also be used to purify water as their surfaces are natural.

Unpolished shungite stones may have a higher bovis value than polished ones.

You are not risking anything by choosing one or the other surface.  There are no significant differences in radiation protection.