How quickly does the protective effect of shungite stone appear?

How quickly does the protective effect of shungite stone appear?

Shungite is known to have a special ability:  It can protect us from negative rays.  To do this, a protection object, such as a pyramid, a sphere or a cube, is placed in the room.  Or you carry shungite with you, for example, as a piece of jewelry or a plate on your smartphone.  The question often arises: how quickly does the effect of the stone appear?  This is especially important if you don’t carry the protection object with you all the time, but place it, for example, only in the workplace or wear the jewellery only at certain times of the day.

Protection objects (a pyramid, ball, cube, ...)
When a protection object is placed, the radiation in the surrounding space is harmonized immediately thereafter.  The effect depends on the object size. For example, a pyramid with an edge length of 5 cm has a radius of action of 2-3 metres.  Harmonisation can be measured with a pendulum or biotensor after no more than 15-30 minutes.

Protection stones that you can take home

Whether you wear a beautiful shungite pendant, a keychain on your arm or a small plate on your smartphone, the effect of these stones is noticeable after just 15-30 minutes.  You can see it in your biofield, for example.  Photos of your aura, taken with and without the stone, show this clearly in colour.

How soon do people react to the protective effects of shungite? 
There is no definite answer to this question. Some shungite users notice immediately that the radiation is no longer felt as much, while others notice it much later. It is quite normal, as we react differently to radiation effects.  Similarly, harmonisation of the radiations depends on individual sensations.