What is better for radiation protection – a shungite pyramid, sphere or cube?

What is better for radiation protection – a shungite pyramid, sphere or cube?

If you want to reduce your exposure to radiation, a protection object made of shungite stone would be the best choice.  However, there are so many varieties that it is difficult to make the right choice.  I would therefore like to briefly explain the similarities and differences between the most important shapes of shungite protective objects.

Basically, all shungite protection objects are made from the fully equivalent mineral shungite. Very large stones weighing several tonnes are brought to the workshop for processing.  They are cut, ground and polished at various stages.  As a result, pyramids, spheres, cubes and other shapes are created from large shungite stones, used for radiation protection. 

The figure shows the most common shapes of shungite protection objects.

There are differences in effect, although all protection objects are made from the same mineral. These differences are small, but can be clearly perceptible, especially to sensitive people.

The protection object shape matters.  Each shape has a certain effect on us, people discovered this fact thousands of years ago and have used it successfully in many areas.  If we look at the meaning of basic shapes, it will help us better understand the most ancient buildings in the world as well as the shapes, accompanying us in everyday life.

In the photo you can see a shungite pyramid with a polished surface.

The triangle is pointing upwards (pyramid shape):  The triangle is considered to be aspiring, dynamic and mysterious.  Moreover, the pyramid shape is very powerful energetically. 

The shungite pyramid is most often used for rooms where concentration is required, such as a study, kitchen or living room.  The pyramid shape promotes activity and concentration.

In the photo you can see a shungite ball and shungite egg with a polished surface.

A circle (ball, egg) is a harmonious and infinite shape.  It has no clear beginning or end and is often associated with infinity and security.  Its rounded and elastic shape is perceived as feminine and soft.  The spherical shape symbolises the earth and the sun, is a sign of rebirth and conveys security. The egg shape has a similar meaning.

Shungite sphere or egg is best used in rooms where you need protection and harmony.  It can be a bedroom, a recreation room or even a waiting room in a doctor's office where a lot of people gather.

In the photo you can see a shungite cube with a polished surface.

Square/Rectangle (cube, plate): The most important property of a square or rectangle is stability.  This shape has an ordering effect and is seen as a base or basic building block.

Cubes and slabs are popular in the living room and study as well as in the kitchen and hallway.  This shape is not as intense as the pyramid shape, but allows a strong connection to the earth energies.  Shungite cubes and plates are very popular with users who live on high floors.

In the photo you can see a raw elite shungite stone.