One mineral in different manifestations

One mineral in different manifestations

When you pick up shungite and elite shungite, you see big differences between the two.  The most important thing when using shungite is its effect, so between the two types you want to choose the one that works for you.

Here I would like to describe advantages and disadvantages of both manifestations in a little more detail, so that you can make a choice and find the right stone for you.

Elite and classical shungite are two manifestations of the same mineral, so the chemical composition and physical properties are very similar. Both types of shungite consist mainly of carbon and are relatively soft, having a Mohs hardness of 4 to 5. 


Usually elite schungite is found as narrow bands between classical schungite.  It is thought that high temperature and pressure millions of years ago created this special, shiny form of shungite.

However, there are differences, resulting in the advantages and disadvantages of both types.

Precious shungite



It feels much more energetically intense, with significantly higher bovis values.

It has a higher carbon content – over 80%.

It doesn't leave any stains, the surface has a direct gloss.



Very brittle, hardly suitable for machining.

It is relatively expensive, as the only known deposit has already been depleted.



Water purification: elite shungite is very popular and effective as a water stone.

Protection stone:  Elite shungite is an effective protection stone when used as an amulet as a pocket stone or in jewellery.



Classical shungite



It is well machinable, it is possible to make a wide range of protection objects such as pyramids, spheres, etc. Thus it is efficiently used in radiation protection.

A powerful healing stone, although not as intense as elite shungite.

Inexpensive, as the amount of extraction is virtually unlimited.



The polish does not last very long, as a result the shine on polished objects decreases over time.

Heavy stains are left on surfaces that are not polished.



Classical shungite is also often used for water purification.

As a protection object (a pyramid, sphere, cube...) it is often used to harmonise radiations.

In combination with talcum peach in the form of a pair of opposites (in the form of cylinders, plates, disks...) it is used to balance Yin and Yang energies.

It is also used for radiation protection in the form of powder or crushed stone mixed into building materials to create protective walls against radiation.


Use the full power of the mineral shungite, but be aware that the benefits of the energetically stronger elite shungite also come with disadvantages. For example, elite shungite can purify water faster, but it is very brittle. Classical shungite leaves discolouration, but energetically strong protection objects such as pyramids, cubes or spheres can only be made from classical shungite.


Neither type is the best or worst. Both have their advantages and disadvantages to be considered.